Solvant pour interrupteur et contact | 320 g


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Product Description

  • An effective cleaner for all types of electrical switches and contacts
  • Quickly dissolves grease and film on contact - spray force removes these deposits from the contact surface, leaving no residue
  • Recommended for low voltage applications where lubricant is not required
  • Can be used with: billing machines, calculators, computers, elevator controls, railway signal equipment, etc...

Use on all types of electrical switches, contacts, and electromechanical components. Recommended for low voltage applications where no lubricant is required. Leaves no residue.

  • An effective cleaner for all types of electrical switches and contacts
  • Quickly dissolves grease and film on contact - spray force removes these deposits from the contact surface, leaving no residue
  • Recommended for low voltage applications where lubricant is not required
  • Can be used with: billing machines, calculators, computers, elevator controls, railway signal equipment, etc...
Catégorie Électrique
Catégorie Fournitures
Catégorie Peintures et aérosols

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